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My Philosophy.

“You’ll need coffee shops and sunsets and road trips. Airplanes and passports and new songs and old songs, but people more than anything else. You will need other people and you will need to be that other person to someone else, a living breathing screaming invitation to believe better things.
― Jamie Tworkowski

I love this quote by Jamie Tworkowski, and if I could have a senior quote, this would be it because it embodies my belief about the co-creation of the human experience. The best leaders help add a framework in order to achieve something; however, they are not dictators or micro-managers. Rather, they acknowledge that everyone brings something to the table and are valuable to the team. After learning about different theories, I most identify with the idea of Servant Leadership Theory because I'm a big believer in being a facilitator to helping others unleash their own potential to do great things. 


Growing up, I was taught using the banking model in schools. I saw a leader in terms of Great Man theory where they are a born, not made. As a painfully shy kid, I never saw myself as a leader, yet as I continued to mature I kept being told I was a "natural leader" which while nice, only continued to affirm my belief that leaders have some innate quality in them since I never wanted to be a leader but was told I was one. I also saw leaders as a controller, or the ones with all the answers. However, it eventually evolved to seeing leaders as aspirational and it's only through college that I've begun to see leadership as a more collaborative process and seeing myself as a part of that process. 


Now, I see leadership in a much more adaptive and flexible way. I want to embody Complexity Leadership Theory where leadership doesn't lie in a singular person, but rather is distributed in an interactive dynamic. I want to be a leader that focuses on the complex relationships and participates in shared leadership. I don't want to be merely a delegator or enforcer; I want to be a facilitator of change. I want to cultivate brave spaces for people to use their voices to be an agent of change. And above all else, I want to be a living, breathing screaming invitation to believe in better things.

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